I can’t begin to imagine how difficult this time is for the people of Houston and all the surrounding areas affected by Hurricane Harvey. I’m grateful there are so many ways we can help those affected by Harvey. Here are just a few:
Visit http://redcross.org .
The Red Cross has launched a massive relief response to this devastating storm and needs financial donations to be able to provide immediate disaster relief. Help people affected by Hurricane Harvey by visiting redcross.org, calling 1- 800-RED CROSS or texting the word HARVEY to 90999 to make a $10 donation.
Salvation Army:
Donate online at http://helpsalvationarmy.org .
For the latest information please go to www.disaster.salvationarmy.org and watch for regular updates on our social media pages at www.facebook.com/salvationarmytexas/ and www.twitter.com/salarmytx. To access photo and video resources related to The Salvation Army Hurricane Harvey relief efforts please go to www.salvationarmysouth.org/harvey.
SPCA of Texas:
Visit http://www.spca.org/news_hurricane-harvey . This organization rescues pets and farm animals, and provides equipment and shelter in emergencies.
As the organization prepares to deploy disaster response efforts in North Texas to assist the Gulf Coast, support for this effort and for all of our programs and services is critical. Please consider making a financial donation at www.spca.org/give or make an in-kind donation. The supplies most needed are cat litter, litter boxes, towels, blankets, large wire crates, toys, treats, pet beds, newspaper and gas gift cards. In-kind donations can be brought to the SPCA of Texas' Jan Rees-Jones Animal Care Center in Dallas or the SPCA of Texas' Russell H. Perry Animal Care Center in McKinney.
Additionally, the SPCA of Texas is putting out a call for foster homes to help us care for the animals already in our shelters and those coming from the Gulf Coast. It is easy to sign up at www.spca.org/foster. We will continue to need fosters for the pets in our care as we bring in more animals.
#HurricaneHarvey #RedCross #SalvationArm #HoustonStrong #Houston [Texas State Heart Art by Chris Olson at @chris_coco_olson]