Today I am hoping you are gathering with friends and family for a Thanksgiving dinner. Enjoy the feast.
Must be the mom in me...
- Although it is tempting, don't feed your dogs turkey scraps or turkey bones. This meat can cause health problems including Pancreatitis. One of my dogs nearly died from a turkey snack. And turkey and other poultry bones are hollow so they are dangerous for pets to chew on because they splinter easily.
- Check out this link for safety tips for pets during the holidays: ASPCA: Thanksgiving News Alert
- Don't dump all the turkey dinner grease down the drain. It causes havoc in the city treatment plants. Instead pour the grease in a container, let it cool and then bring the grease recycling center or a sewage treatment center that accepts grease in your city. You can also give the container to your waste management as long as the container is labeled and separated from the rest of the trash.
- If you have a minute...enjoy the classic "Father Knows Best" Thanksgiving video at this VideoSurf Video link