The title and the book cover art remind me of my childhood and my beloved Girl Scout badges, but this book is a self-empowering resource to help women of all ages realize their dreams.
According to Chronicle Books website:
"You Can Do It! is the vision of Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas, a heroine of United Flight 93 and a woman who was an inspiration to all who knew her. Lauren's dream was to create the ultimate self-empowering resource, a book to help women of all ages realize their dreams. Inspired by her beloved Girl Scout badges, nurtured to publication by her family and friends—led by Lauren's two sisters, Vaughn and Dara—You Can Do It!is the merit badge handbook for every grown-up girl who's said, "I wish I could..." Jam-packed with practical advice, here is step-by-step instruction and kick-in-the-pants encouragement for achieving 60 exciting badge activities."
You Can Do It!:
The Merit Badge Handbook for Grown-Up Girls
$24.95 : Chronicle Books