Girl power is ageless! Girl Scouts is celebrating it's 100th anniversary this week. Keeping up with the changing times, some of the older badges are being retired. According to
"As Girl Scouts of the USA prepares to celebrate its 100th anniversary, the organization has revamped its badge lineup, and some - Looking Your Best, and From Fitness to Fashion, among them - have gotten the ax. Others, such as the cookie badge, made the cut, albeit with makeovers."
My personal faves are the new Voice for Animals, Money Manager and Netiquette badges. Evidently social media is relevant even to this century old organization.
Girl Scouts may be the largest "old girl network" according to Davia Temlin, a columnist at Forbes and First Vice Chair of the Board at Girl Scouts and Chair of the Fund Development Committee. Temlin says Girl Scouts is "the Ultimate Women's Leadership Pipeline" in Forbes. She goes on to explain:
For the past 100 years, Girl Scouts has been training girls of ”courage, confidence, and character,” to “discover, connect, and take action to make the world a better place.” And if that isn’t leadership, I don’t know what is.
You can see a slideshow of new Girl Scout badges here.
For more information on the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouts check out these links: