I have a group of close friends I can count on. Each friendship is unique and that's what makes my life better--and even healthier. Your definition of a good friend is as personal as you are. Now with friendships multiplying quickly on Facebook, the number of "friends" you can have is sometimes overwhelming. Of course, my friends on Facebook are important, but those personal friends I can call anytime, about anything, end up being the ones that make the biggest difference in my life.
New research has found certain friendship traits more satisfying. In fact, according to Prevention.com, a 10-year study of older people in Australia found "satisfying friendships predict longevity better than even close family ties, and they can protect against obesity, depression, and heart disease, among other health problems."
So what types of friendships are beneficial? According to the research, the following 8 types of friends improve your life and especially your health.
1) Childhood friend
2) New friend
3) Workout friend
4) Spiritual friend
5) Younger friend
6) Your partner's friends
7) Your mom
8) Yourself
(Photo collage: by me, Chris Olson)