Early breakfasts. School drop offs before dawn. Ok, I exaggerate, but setting my alarm this early makes me grumpy. I have the back-to-school blues. AND it's a Monday! I definitely need a couple extra shots of espresso today. So I thought a little combo of fantasy + humor is required this morning. Here's a post about an ad George Clooney did for a Norwegian bank. First a few of my favorite images from the ad... You can watch the entire commercial in a video at the end of the post.
So what does George Clooney have to do with a Norwegian bank? And why cast a committed bachelor to be the one getting married? Talk amongst yourselves... But if you want my highly opinionated opinion, Clooney is the perfect fantasy husband. And in the ad, Clooney is looking more charming than ever.
Watch the Norwegian Bank DnB NOR ad below:
I've got some more Clooney goodness on the blog here with a house tour.
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Image: VANCOUVER MORNING photo at the top of this post is by me, Chris Olson, from a recent trip. I created the two CLOONEY ad diptics that feature the Norwegian Bank DnB NOR ad. Feel free to Pin them Pinterest with a link back to this post. Thanks!