If you read my blog regularily then you know that I am a dog lover. And as one of my friends told me, "With all that walking and hiking every day rain or shine, you are a slave to three dogs."
Well, it turns out being a slave to three dogs just might be the reason I stay in shape. Unlike a human buddy, your dog will see right through all your excuses for not getting outside to exercise. Saying no to a walk with your canine pal is next to impossible.
When you make your dogs your buddies in fitness you both win. Some people jog with their dogs. I'm a walker. I walk briskly with my husky mix and much more slowly with my Peke because her legs are only about 3 inches long. My little Silky is the powerhouse of the bunch and I'm sure he would love it if he could pull me on a scooter. In case you were wondering, the average person will burn between 80 to 140 calories per mile of walking.
Taking a walk with your dog makes the rest of the day better in so many ways. Exercising improves your mood and your dog will feel better—and act better—too. If you don’t give your dog something constructive to do with their energy, like a couple of brisk walks a day, then your dog might find something not so helpful like chewing shoes, digging holes, or just barking to keep them busy. I've been there and seen that crazy scene one too many times. One of my pups tried to eat through a wall when he didn't get enough exercise... You can read more about the benefits of exercising your dog here.
Besides getting a mood boost because of your walk, exercising improves your health. And keeping off that extra weight helps both people and dogs by lowering the risk of diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, and many other diseases.
Illustration: Dog sketch by me, Chris Olson. This is one of my prints available at my Etsy Shop PetLoveDesigns where I sell dog and cat art prints as well as custom pet portraits. Feel free to pin image on Pinterest with a link back to this post. Thanks!